Sunday, April 11, 2010


Today was a long day.  I am on a trip to a chainsaw carving exhibition in Arkansas with my daughter and my parents.  It is a very long journey from my home in Wisconsin to our destination, but well worth the trip since we get to see some beautiful places and some very special family members.  We had every intention of getting south of St. Louis before allowing exhaustion to kick in and finding a comfy bed to sleep in tonight, but that proved to be an impossible dream.  I am now blogging from the comfort of a hotel room, but we are barely to the north side of St. Louis.  Why?  Because no matter how much love and attention you pay your faithful 4-wheeled companion breakdowns seem inevitable.  After being stranded on the side of the highway for over 2 hours we were finally towed to a beautiful little town that offered shelter, showers, and food.  Like the tow-truck driver said, "Vehicles respect no one."  The good news is that the truck seems to be running again and our final destination is in sight.  After all of this rambling, I only have two pictures to share.  One has a double meaning, at least.  Goodnight and sleep tight.

I call this one Rotten Luck (My daughter calls it Red):


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