Thursday, May 20, 2010


My life is blessed.  I know this because I have people in my life who always manage to remind me of this fact.  Some are young, some are old, some are new, and some have recently come back into my life after a long hiatus.  There are two very special friends in particular, who have re-entered my life in very recent months as if to  offer me inspiration and encouragement when I need it most.  One of whom is a true blast-from-the-past and the other shared a more recent period of my life with me.  I am grateful to you both for your constant kindness, support, and encouragement.  This is not to say that all my friends and family have ever been anything less than supportive, but I am constantly amazed at the fact that these two have been brought back into my, when I needed them most, as if by magic.  Thank you, dear friends.  I hope that your lives are as blessed as mine.  These photos are dedicated to you!

1 comment:

  1. Michelle,

    You made me cry, mama! I really needed some positive, cleansing tears today--more than you know. This in addition to your words above is blatant confirmation that God has been working here. That can only mean good things for all involved.

    I am currently working on a blog post that I intend to dedicate to YOU! I started it last night and can't wait to post it! It may not be as lovely and delicate as yours as I'm usually full of humor, but I pray it will be just as touching.

    God bless you, my friend. And thank you.

