Tuesday, March 9, 2010

A New Beginning

It is quite clear that blogging has not been my strong point, but I am completely aware of how important it is in today's society, so this is my vow to do it better.  Starting today, I will post at least once a day.  Sometimes my posts will contain my photographs, while others will simply be my thoughts, feelings, and inspirations.  I hope that my friends and followers enjoy my work and insight, as that is why I share it.  I am going to begin my blogging journey by reflecting on why I started taking photos.  Simply put, my Grandma.  Flowers and gardening were here passion and somehow, taking photos of flowers has always made me feel closer to her since she passed away.  Yes, I started with flowers and plants, but I have learned that my passion extends much beyond those subjects.  I am constantly on the hunt for my new favorite subject or photo and am trying to expand my subject matter on a daily basis.  To end this post, I am including the very first photo I took that enabled me to see my abilities.  I have come along was since that point-and-shoot camera, but the picture still holds a very special place in my heart.  It is entitled Grandpa's Berries:

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