Wednesday, March 10, 2010

Rainy Day Daydreams

I'd complain about the rainy day, but since this is Wisconsin in March, I really have no right to.  Better rain than snow.  That doesn't stop me from dreaming about a warm, sunny June day.  I guess I am a bit of a fair-weather photographer.  It's not that I can't find the beauty in a sparkly winter day, it is simply that I am too wimpy to want to actually leave the house on those days.  As I sit in front of my computer I long to be weeding my garden and snapping photos of my favorite flowers and the beautiful critters they invite to my backyard.  Knowing that spring is just around the corner prevents me from completely losing my mind.  Until the blossoms begin to show their beautiful little faces, I will take the time to reflect on past accomplishments and future goals.  Here are a few of my favorite florals!

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